March 7, 2025

1st Conference 2024-NTF ELCAC and Drug Awareness Seminar

The seminar on drug awareness and NTF ELCAC, united stakeholders to address drug abuse and insurgency. Guided by speakers, attendees left with a renewed commitment to effect positive change in their communities.

The 1st Conference on NTF ELCAC and Drug Awareness Seminar, hosted at the Philippine Embassy, Riyadh, marked a significant milestone in the collective effort to combat drug abuse and insurgencies. At the heart of this groundbreaking event were keynote speakers PCol. Roger G. Bilibli and the Secretary of National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF ELCAC), Mr. Quincy Norman V. Quimsing, and PEMS. Wilson H. Severino Jr. Their expertise, dedication, and vision illuminated paths forward in our ongoing battle against the scourge of drug abuse.

PCol. Roger G. Bilibli, a distinguished leader in law enforcement with a wealth of experience in counter-narcotics operations, delivered a compelling keynote address that set the tone for the conference. Drawing upon his years of service and firsthand encounters with the devastating effects of drug abuse, PCol. Bilibli underscored the urgent need for a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach to tackling the drug problem. His impassioned call to action resonated with attendees, inspiring a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Insights from the Secretary of NTF ELCAC:

PEMS. Wilson H. Severino Jr. and Mr. Quincy Norman V. Quimsing, Secretary of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF ELCAC), brought a unique perspective to the conference. With insightful analysis and strategic foresight, the Secretary outlined the critical role of the NTF ELCAC in addressing not only the symptoms but also the root causes of communism and armed conflicts in the Philippines. Emphasizing the importance of holistic and integrated approaches, the Secretary underscored the need for collaboration across agencies and sectors to achieve lasting impact.

Panel Discussions and Workshops:

Throughout the conference, participants engaged in dynamic panel discussions and interactive workshops led by experts from diverse backgrounds. Topics ranged from the latest trends in drug abuse prevention and treatment to innovative strategies for community engagement and empowerment. Guided by the wisdom and insights shared by PCol. Roger, Mr. Quincy Norman and PEMS Wilson Severino, attendees collaborated to explore solutions, share best practices, and forge new partnerships in the fight against drug abuse and end local communism and armed conflict.

As the conference neared its end, participants felt energized and empowered to convert insights into action. With a heightened comprehension of the intricacies surrounding issues like armed conflict and insurgency, and inspired by the guidance of speakers, attendees pledged to intensify their endeavors in addressing these challenges. With a renewed sense of purpose and fortified alliances, they departed the conference ready to enact substantial change in their communities and beyond.

The 1st Conference on NTF ELCAC and Drug Awareness Seminar served as a catalyst for change, bringing together stakeholders from all walks of life to confront one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Under the guidance of esteemed speakers, attendees emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and a shared commitment to building a future free from complex societal problems that require attention and resolution. As they return to their communities, they carry with them the knowledge, inspiration, and determination to effect positive change and create a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.