June 16, 2024

Saudi HR Ministry Launches Wage Protection Service for Domestic Workers


The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD) has introduced a Wage Protection Service for domestic workers, effective July 1, 2024.

In a significant move aimed at safeguarding the rights of domestic workers, the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD) has announced the launch of a Wage Protection Service. Effective from July 1, 2024, employers with more than four domestic workers will be required to process salaries through digital wallets and licensed banks on the Musaned platform, ensuring transparent and secure transactions.

This initiative is part of the Kingdom’s ongoing efforts to improve working conditions and promote fairness in the labor market. 

The Wage Protection Service seeks to achieve the following key objectives:

1) Ensure Timely Salary Payments: Domestic workers will receive their wages promptly, fostering trust and financial security.

2) Empower Workers: By facilitating salary payments through digital wallets and licensed banks, workers will have greater control over their finances.

3) Enhance Transparency: The service will monitor salary transactions, reducing the likelihood of wage-related disputes and promoting fair employment practices.

The launch of the Wage Protection Service is a crucial step in Saudi Arabia’s broader labor reforms and aligns with the ambitious Vision 2030 goals. By prioritizing the welfare and rights of domestic workers, the Kingdom is building an inclusive labor market that contributes to the nation’s overall growth and development.

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